4 Ways To Attract Ideal Coaching Clients Using Magnetic Brand Messaging

Most advice on brand messaging for coaches signing clients, creating impact, and generating income are outdated. Creating a profitable business must prioritize resonance with ideal clients, connecting through authenticity, and a deep clarity on your own unique brilliance.

I believe that the #1 reason that coaches struggle to get clients is that they aren't creating resonance with authentic and personalized messaging.

Instead, they are being cookie-cutter coaches who are imitating successful coaches in their niche, obsessed with building a social media following, diving into 'instant solution' mini-trainings, and linking their future success to which certification they'll sign up for next.


It leaves them wondering why ideal clients aren't dropping into their DMs, onto kick-ass Discovery Calls, and saying 'hell yes!' to join their programs.

Sound familiar?


That was me too.


As a former Advertising Agency Director turned Brand Messaging Activator and Business Coach for ambitious heart-centered coaches, I was busy doing 'all the things' until I collapsed in burnout only 6 months into building my business (cue ugly crying on the kitchen floor).


I realized that authenticity in your messaging is the magic that allows coaches to show up with ease ‒ to be visible and stand in our power. Clarity on your unique brilliance and the value you create for your clients evokes inspired action that changes the energy in your business ‒ and when I deployed this for myself it immediately manifested in my soul clients wanting to work with me.


It's the foundation of the Messaging Edge™️ Method that has gone on to elevate the brand messaging for my clients and the results have been incredible, from creating new 6-figure programs to crafting content that attracts energizing new clients with ease.


There are some foundation aspects of brand messaging that too many coaches overlook, and once you lean into really owning your brilliance and letting it shine in your messaging, those big impact and income shifts you've been seeking are within easy reach.


Follow the simple steps I've laid out below to get your messaging on point, authentic and unique, and primed to attract your desired clients.


1. How to deliver and articulate your unique Brand Brilliance


The worst messaging mistake most coaches make is imitating someone else because it seems like they have a winning formula (swipe file anyone?!). To truly resonate ‒ the key to attracting clients ‒ you have to bring YOU; your true authenticity, and align that with what your ideal clients need to help them transform (this is your #1 priority!).


You must uncover the 5 key ingredients to unlock your unique messaging in my Brand EPICS™️ Process: Experience | Pain | Interests | Character | Skills.


Each one of these areas reveals vital aspects about YOU and how that relates to your coaching business and messaging. For example, Experience is one of the most potent guides for what you are meant to teach and create ‒ but too frequently we either under or overplay its role. Many driven and Type-A female coaches lean into their corporate experience and coach on that area ‒ but ignore the 'joy' that including other aspects of themselves can bring.


Here's an example of some of the ways Brand EPICS™️ came together in my business in a unique combination (I made my first $10k month when I got this nailed!):

  • Experience as an Ad Agency Director building international brands

  • Pain of burnout trying to do all the things

  • Interest in spirituality & Law Of Attraction

  • Character is A-type, driven, visionary, and motivated

  • Skill as Pranic Healer, Breathwork Facilitator, and speaker

Apply this thinking to your message, especially if you are feeling unenergized or you struggle to express how exactly why a client should work with you rather than someone else.


2. The simple and powerful way to niche and identify your ideal client


A big, but often believed messaging mistake is thinking you'd like to serve everyone. Maybe you want to heal the world, or maybe you're simply scared of losing client sales.

"When you seek to engage with everyone, you rarely delight anyone"

The BEST thing you can do for your business is to pick a niche and embrace 'attract & repel' strategies ‒ be YOU authentically and share vulnerable content that resonates to magnetize the soul clients that are meant to work with you (who not only sign up but get the best transformation and share over-the-moon testimonials too).


Although you have mega-skills that could help anyone, the people most likely to book with you will recognize something about your story that resonates deeply. For example, when I realized that my soul clients are driven, ambitious women just like me, I used messaging around the desire to stop efforting, over-proving, and attaching self-worth to achievement. I not only attracted women who couldn't wait to work with me, but they got the BEST results, PLUS I felt most alive and lit up by working with them.




Knowing your soul client through a personal lens of your own background and experience facilitates this high level of resonance and you're able to magnetize them with the articulation of a future in which they've overcome their struggles ‒ with you as their guide.


3. How To Create An Offer Your Client Prospects Can't Say No To


Do you think that you need to offer 'coaching' or 'a program' to your clients? What people want to actually buy from RESULTS.


Once you have your unique brand message and ideal client niche nailed, you can create a signature offer with a PROMISE that thrills and a distinctive FRAMEWORK that talks directly to your soul clients' struggles and desires.


With your magnetic messaging firmly in place, you'll have the clarity (and the confidence!) to position yourself as a true expert in your field with high-ticket prices, one of the best ways to grow your coaching business impact and income.


What results can you promise that will stop your ideal client's scroll?


What transformation will they be willing to invest in gaining?


My client Nikki had originally labeled herself as a generic 'Life Coach', but got immediate results when we re-branded her as a Badass Cancer Thriver Coach for women thriving through their breast cancer journey and beyond. With her very unique positioning and ideal client struggles and desires clear, she created and sold her first high ticket 1:1 package the next week.


4. The secret messaging ingredient most coaches ignore at their peril


If you're full of self-doubt, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and fear of judgment, you're going to find it darn hard to show up and be the shining light that your clients need to see so they book you on repeat.


I was so caught up in fear of what my former corporate bosses and colleague might think of my messaging that I shied away from being authentic and vulnerable on social media, and that affected my visibility and the growth of my business. When I opened to energetic modalities, including Pranic Healing and Breathwork facilitation, I invited the magic in!


When you dive into releasing old patterns and start a habit of high vibe energy practices, you'll notice that your messaging takes on a new level of magnetism ‒ it really is the secret ingredient to true and authentic resonance with soul clients (thank you Law Of Attraction!).


I love to curate Energy Modalities like meditation, journaling, breathwork, nature walks, EFT, and well, anything that truly transmutes stuck and low energy in inspired action. Make it your priority to be in a state of high vibration to create your content and coach from this energy. Whether it's the Law of Attraction or your confidence doing the heavy lifting for you ‒ the sales will roll in with less efforting and more ease.


Want to learn more about magnetic messaging?


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn for more info!

How to articulate the value of your intuitive brilliance to attract energetically aligned clients consistently

(Even if you felt drained or under-valued by mismatched clients in the past)

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